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VoIP Rates

Save on every phone call and enjoy Telsomes Voice Quality

máxima calidad de sonido en las llamadas

Best Voice Quality

Voice Quality is our main attribute as VoIP providers: we work hard to ensure the highest quality on your phone calls.

máxima calidad de sonido en las llamadas

No connection charge

There are no call set-up charges on regular phone calls. Check special numbers (902, 80X...) and international for exceptions.

sin coste por recibir llamadas

No charge in inbound calls

Inbound calls have no cost and there is no minute limit. (check conditions for 900 numbers)

Spanish VoIP Rates

Free phone calls to Telsome phone numbers

teléfono fijo

Fixed lines

1,5 cents/min

teléfono móvil


6 cents/min



12,5 cents/min
11 céntimos establecimiento de llamada

Save even more with our Flat Rates

Spanish Fixed Flat Rates

500 minutes/month


1000 minutes/month


2000 minutes/month


4000 minutes/month


7000 minutes/month


Spanish Mobile Flat Rates

200 minutes/month


600 minutes/month


1000 minutes/month


2000 minutes/month


4000 minutes/month


International Flat Rates

500 min/month to fixed numbers Europe zone 1


1000 min/month to fixed numbers Europe zone 1


5000 min/month to mobiles numbers to Europe zone 1


500 min/month to USA and Canada


1000 min/month to USA and Canada


Terms and conditions

  • Monthly flat rates, VAT not included
  • You can buy them from your online account, calling us or via ticket with all our VoIP plans
  • If minutes are exceeded regular rates will apply
  • Flat rates start de 1st of every month and are renewed every month
  • You can increase/decrease/cancel flat rates month to month

Do you want unlimited calls?

teléfono fijo

Free calls to landlines

teléfono móvil

Free calls to mobiles

Forget how many calls you make in your company and always pay the same at the end of the month

Contract a virtual switchboard with unlimited flat rates to landlines and mobiles in Spain, from fixed stations and also from mobiles

Call us and request a free estimate

900 908 999

9am to 17pm

Or fill out this form:

International Rates

Tarifas aplicables a llamadas internacionales desde extensiones fijas, móviles y SIP Trunk.

Rates Zone 1

Zone 1

Fixed: 0,06€/min
Mobile: 0,08€/min

Europa: Alemania, Austria, Bélgica, Dinamarca, Francia, Gibraltar, Grecia, Hungría, Irlanda, Islandia, Islas Feroe, Italia, Luxemburgo, Noruega, Países Bajos, Polonia, Portugal, Reino Unido, República Checa, Rumanía, Suecia.

Resto Mundo: Australia, Corea del Sur, Estados Unidos, Martinica, México, Nueva Zelanda, Samoa Americana, San Bartolomé, Singapur.

Rates Zone 2

Zone 2

Fixed: 0,22€/min
Mobile: 0,28€/min

Europa: Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Bielorrusia, Bosnia y Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Chipre, Croacia, Eslovaquia, Eslovenia, Estonia, Finlandia, Kosovo, Liechtenstein, Lituania, Macedonia, Malta, Moldavia, Mónaco, Montenegro, San Marino, Rusia, Serbia, Suiza, Ucrania.

Sudamérica: Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Curasao, Ecuador, Guayana, Guayana Francesa, Paraguay, Perú, Uruguay, Venezuela.

Norte América: Bahamas, Belice, Bermuda, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Islas Caimán, Islas Vírgenes británicas, Panamá, República Dominicana, Territorios del noroeste de Canadá.

Asia: Arabia Saudí, China, Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Filipinas, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Irán, Iraq, Israel, Japón, Jordán, Kuwait, Macao, Malasia, Pakistán, Palestina, Qatar, Siria, Sri Lanka, Tailandia, Taiwán, Turkmenistán, Turquía, Uzbekistán, Vietnam, Yemen.

África: Egipto y Sudáfrica

Rates Zone 3

Zone 3

Fixed 0,60€/min
Mobile: 0,68€/min

Europa: Groenlandia, Letonia.

Oceanía: Fiji, Islas Marshall, Micronesia, Palaos, Polinesia Francesa, Wallis y Futuna.

Norte América: Anguila, Barbados, Canadá, Cuba, Dominica, Haití, Nicaragua, San Pedro y Miquelón.

Asia: Afganistán, Azerbaiyán, Baréin, Bangladés, Brunéi, Bután, Camboya, Corea del Norte, Georgia, Kazajistán, Kirguistán, Laos, Líbano, Maldivas, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Omán, Tajikistán, Timor Oriental.

África: Argelia, Angola, Aruba, Benín, Botsuana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cabo Verde, Camerún, Chad, Comoras, Congo, Costa de Marfil, Eritrea, Etiopía, Gabón, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Ecuatorial, Guinea-Bisáu, Kenia, Lesoto, Liberia, Libia, Madagascar, Malawi, Malí, Marruecos, Mauricio, Mauritania, Mayotte, Mozambique, Namibia, Níger, Nigeria, República Centroafricana, República Democrática del Congo, Ruanda, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leona, Somalia, Sudán, Sudán del Sur, Suazilandia, Tanzania, Togo, Túnez, Uganda, Yibuti, Zambia, Zimbabue.



Taxes not included

Check our international rates:

Our VoIP rates are among the best. Check all our rates.

Destination Rate €/Minute
Afghanistan - Fixed 0.22518 €
Afghanistan - Mobile AWCC 0.1737 €
Afghanistan - Mobile Etisalat 0.1395 €
Afghanistan - Mobile MTN 0.23652 €
Afghanistan - Mobile Others 0.23526 €
Afghanistan - Mobile Roshan 0.22824 €
Afghanistan - Mobile Roshan 0.24282 €
Afghanistan - Mobile WASEL 0.24678 €
Albania - Fixed 0.1377 €
Albania - Fixed ALBTEL 1.422 €
Albania - Fixed AMC 0.2025 €
Albania - Fixed Tirana 0.1377 €
Albania - Interactive TV 0.72 €
Albania - Mobile 0.35388 €
Albania - Mobile AMC 0.369 €
Albania - Mobile Plus 0.36432 €
Albania - Mobile Vodafone 0.33588 €
Albania / Premium 1.782 €
Albania / Tirana 0.1485 €
Germany 0.02 €
Germany - Fixed 0.02 €
Germany - Fixed Dusseldorf 0.02 €
Germany - Fixed Frankfurt 0.02 €
Germany - IP Phone 0.036 €
Germany - Mobile Eplus 0.08 €
Germany - Mobile O2 0.08 €
Germany - Mobile Others 0.08 €
Germany - Mobile Others 0.08 €
Germany - Mobile T-Mobile 0.08 €
Germany - Mobile Vodafone D2 0.08 €
Germany - Personal Numbering 0.02 €
Germany - Special Services 0.216 €
Germany / Mobile E Plus 0.08 €
Germany / Mobile Tmobil 0.08 €
Germany / Mobile Vodafone 0.08 €
Andorra - Fixed 0.02 €
Andorra - Mobile 0.1827 €
Andorra - Mobile 0.2016 €
Angola - Fixed 0.072 €
Angola - Mobile Others 0.07362 €
Angola - Mobile Others 0.081 €
Angola - Mobile Unitel 0.0684 €
Anguilla - Fixed 0.1071 €
Anguilla - Mobile Digicel 0.2061 €
Anguilla - Mobile Others 0.2106 €
Antarctica 1.728 €
Antigua and Barbuda - Fixed 0.1566 €
Antigua and Barbuda - Mobile 0.24768 €
Antigua and Barbuda / Mobile 0.261 €
Saudi Arabia - Fixed 0.0909 €
Saudi Arabia - Fixed Atheeb 0.09216 €
Saudi Arabia - Fixed Riyad 0.09216 €
Saudi Arabia - Mobile Mobily 0.13464 €
Saudi Arabia - Mobile Others 0.11826 €
Saudi Arabia - Mobile Others 0.13536 €
Saudi Arabia - Mobile ZAIN 0.13266 €
Saudi Arabia / Dhahran 0.09 €
Saudi Arabia / Jeddah 0.09 €
Saudi Arabia / Mecca 0.09 €
Saudi Arabia / Mobile 0.099 €
Saudi Arabia / Riyadh 0.09 €
Algeria - Fixed 0.06336 €
Algeria - Fixed CAT 0.0657 €
Algeria - Mobile Orascom 0.3024 €
Algeria - Mobile Orascom 0.3429 €
Algeria - Mobile Others 0.25596 €
Algeria - Mobile Others 0.2295 €
Algeria - Mobile Wataniya 0.4392 €
Algeria / Algiers 0.06336 €
Algeria / Mobile MPTA 0.2295 €
Algeria / Mobile Orascom 0.3024 €
Argentina - Fixed 0.02754 €
Argentina - Fixed Buenos Aires 0.02 €
Argentina - Fixed Corridor 0.02628 €
Argentina - Fixed Corridor 0.02 €
Argentina - Mobile 0.09522 €
Argentina - Special Services 1.107 €
Argentina - Special Services TYPE_A 0.594 €
Argentina - Special Services TYPE_B 0.396 €
Argentina / Other Cities 0.02 €
Armenia - Fixed 0.1134 €
Armenia - Fixed Nagorno Karabakh 0.20754 €
Armenia - Fixed Yerevan 0.11124 €
Armenia - Mobile 0.19242 €
Armenia - Mobile 0.20124 €
Armenia - Mobile Armentel 0.19926 €
Armenia - Mobile Nagorno Karabach 0.20214 €
Armenia - Mobile Orange 0.1899 €
Armenia - Special Services 0.2016 €
Armenia / Mobile 0.2016 €
Armenia / Mobile Vivacell 0.19242 €
Aruba 0.22788 €
Aruba - Fixed 0.09198 €
Aruba - Mobile Digicel 0.2097 €
Aruba - Mobile Others 0.22788 €
Aruba - Mobile Others 0.2295 €
Australia - Fixed 0.02 €
Australia - Fixed City Group 0.02 €
Australia - Mobile H3G 0.06 €
Australia - Mobile Lycatel 0.06 €
Australia - Mobile Optus 0.06 €
Australia - Mobile Others 0.06 €
Australia - Mobile Telstra 0.06 €
Australia - Mobile Vodafone 0.06 €
Australia - Special services 0.04698 €
Australia / Cocos Islands 0.0225 €
Australia / Ext Terr 1.98 €
Australia / Mobile 0.06 €
Austria - Fixed 0.02 €
Austria - Fixed Vienna Off Peak 0.02 €
Austria - Mobile Connect One 0.08 €
Austria - Mobile H3G 0.08 €
Austria - Mobile Mobilkom 0.08 €
Austria - Mobile Others 0.08 €
Austria - Mobile TMobile 0.08 €
Austria - Corporate Numbering 0.036 €
Austria - Special Services 0.45 €
Austria / Mobile Mobilkom A1 0.08 €
Austria / Mobile Orange 0.08 €
Austria / Mobile T Mobile 0.08 €
Azerbaijan - Fixed 0.23634 €
Azerbaijan - Mobile Bakcell 0.33624 €
Azerbaijan - Mobile Others 0.33624 €
Azerbaijan - Mobile Others 0.3744 €
Azerbaijan / Baku 0.22068 €
Bahamas 0.07434 €
Bahamas - Mobile 0.15462 €
Bahrain - Fixed 0.04248 €
Bahrain - Fixed Wimax MENA 0.04248 €
Bahrain - Mobile MTC Vodafone 0.0747 €
Bahrain - Mobile MTC Vodafone 0.07506 €
Bahrain - Mobile Others 0.07596 €
Bahrain - Mobile STC 0.07506 €
Bahrain / Mobile MTC 0.0747 €
Bahrain / Premium 1.782 €
Bangladesh - Fixed 0.03384 €
Bangladesh - Fixed Chittagong 0.03384 €
Bangladesh - Fixed Dhakka 0.03384 €
Bangladesh - Fixed Sylhet 0.03384 €
Bangladesh - Mobile 0.06 €
Bangladesh / Mobile 0.06 €
Barbados - Fixed 0.15552 €
Barbados - Mobile Digicel 0.23922 €
Barbados - Mobile Digicel 0.21312 €
Barbados - Mobile Others 0.2115 €
Barbados - Mobile Others 0.2556 €
Barbados / Mobile 0.2115 €
Belgium - Fixed 0.02 €
Belgium - Mobile Base 0.08 €
Belgium - Mobile Mobistar 0.08 €
Belgium - Mobile Others 0.08 €
Belgium - Mobile Proximus 0.08 €
Belgium - Mobile Telenet 0.08 €
Belgium - Universal Access Number 0.054 €
Belgium / Mobile Other 0.45 €
Belize - Fixed 0.2295 €
Belize - Mobile 0.24318 €
Belize / Mobile 0.2502 €
Benin - Fixed 0.24282 €
Benin - Mobile Bell Benin 0.2277 €
Benin - Mobile GLOMOB 0.2277 €
Benin - Mobile Libercom 0.2277 €
Benin - Mobile MTN 0.2277 €
Benin - Mobile TELCEL 0.2484 €
Bermuda 0.0459 €
Belarus Special services 1.26 €
Belarus - Fixed 0.3537 €
Belarus - Fixed Minsk 0.3672 €
Belarus - Mobility services 1.44 €
Belarus - Mobile MDC 0.3537 €
Belarus - Mobile MDC 0.3672 €
Belarus - Mobile Others 0.3537 €
Belarus / Minsk 0.3537 €
Bolivia 0.2232 €
Bolivia - Fixed 0.2223 €
Bolivia - Fixed La Paz 0.09432 €
Bolivia - Fixed Santa Cruz 0.10782 €
Bolivia - Fixed Santa Cruz 0.1125 €
Bolivia - Mobile Entel 0.1782 €
Bolivia - Mobile Entel 0.18306 €
Bolivia - Mobile Others 0.1782 €
Bolivia - Mobile Others 0.1863 €
Bolivia - Mobile Telcel 0.1782 €
Bolivia / Cochabamba 0.10602 €
Bolivia / La Paz 0.09432 €
Bolivia / Mobile Entel 0.1782 €
Bolivia / Mobile Viva 0.1782 €
Bolivia / Oruro 0.1143 €
Bolivia / Potosi 0.1143 €
Bolivia / Santa Cruz 0.10782 €
Bolivia / Sucre 0.1143 €
Bolivia / Tarija 0.1143 €
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Fixed 0.1323 €
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Fixed BIH 0.1296 €
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Fixed Mostar 0.126 €
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Fixed Mostar 0.1323 €
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Fixed SRPSKE 0.13122 €
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Fixed SRPSKE 0.1323 €
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Mobile BIH 0.3114 €
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Mobile Eronet 0.3852 €
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Mobile SRPSKE 0.3834 €
Bosnia and Herzegovina / Mostar 0.126 €
Bosnia and Herzegovina / Srpske 0.13122 €
Botswana - Fixed 0.0702 €
Botswana - Mobile 0.23526 €
Botswana - Mobile MTN 0.20646 €
Botswana / Mobile 0.22986 €
Brazil 0.02106 €
Brazil - Fixed 0.02 €
Brazil - Fixed Belo Horizonte 0.02 €
Brazil - Fixed Brasilia 0.02358 €
Brazil - Fixed Campinas 0.02628 €
Brazil - Fixed Curitiba 0.02628 €
Brazil - Fixed Florianopolis 0.02628 €
Brazil - Fixed Goiania 0.02 €
Brazil - Fixed Governador 0.02 €
Brazil - Fixed Porto Alegre 0.02 €
Brazil - Fixed Rio 0.02 €
Brazil - Fixed Sao Paulo 0.02 €
Brazil - Fixed State of Sao Paulo 0.02628 €
Brazil - Mobile Others 0.06 €
Brazil - Mobile Others 0.1818 €
Brazil - Mobile TIM 0.06 €
Brazil - Mobile TIM 0.1818 €
Brazil / Belo Horizonte 0.02 €
Brazil / Brasilia 0.02 €
Brazil / Mobile 0.06 €
Brazil / Mobile TIM 0.06 €
Brazil / Rio de Janeiro 0.02 €
Brazil / Sao Paolo 0.02 €
Brunei - Fixed 0.03582 €
Brunei - Mobile 0.06 €
Bulgaria - Fixed 0.02 €
Bulgaria - Fixed OLO 0.02 €
Bulgaria - Fixed OLO 0.06534 €
Bulgaria - Fixed Sofia 0.02 €
Bulgaria - Mobility services Maxtel 0.63 €
Bulgaria - Mobility services Mobitel 0.3636 €
Bulgaria - Mobility services Mobitel Type B 0.3636 €
Bulgaria - Mobile BTC 0.08 €
Bulgaria - Mobile Globul 0.08 €
Bulgaria - Mobile Mobiltel 0.08 €
Bulgaria - Mobile Others 0.08 €
Bulgaria - Special Services 0.648 €
Bulgaria / Alter 0.02 €
Burkina Faso - Fixed 0.243 €
Burkina Faso - Interactive TV 1.17 €
Burkina Faso - Mobile 0.351 €
Burkina Faso - Mobile Celtel 0.333 €
Burkina Faso - Mobile Telecel 0.24264 €
Burkina Faso / Mobile 0.3141 €
Burundi - Fixed 0.51588 €
Burundi - Mobile 0.51588 €
Burundi - Mobile AFRICL 0.5076 €
Burundi - Mobile Onatel 0.43164 €
Burundi - Mobile Telecel 0.4824 €
Burundi - Special services 0.72 €
Burundi / Mobile 0.51588 €
Bhutan - Fixed 0.0603 €
Bhutan - Mobile 0.09234 €
Cape Verde - Fixed 0.19026 €
Cape Verde - Mobile 0.2934 €
Cape Verde - Mobile 0.2511 €
Cape Verde - Mobile TPLUS 0.2511 €
Cape Verde - Mobile TPLUS 0.261 €
Cape Verde / Mobile 0.2511 €
Cambodia - Fixed 0.0522 €
Cambodia - Mobile 0.06 €
Cameroon - Fixed 0.16956 €
Cameroon - Fixed Douala 0.198 €
Cameroon - Mobile MTN 0.1422 €
Cameroon - Mobile MTN 0.36 €
Cameroon - Mobile Orange 0.3447 €
Cameroon - Special services 1.35 €
Cameroon - Special Services VAS 1.35 €
Canada - Fixed Others 0.02 €
Canada - Fixed Northwest Territories 0.02 €
Canada - Fixed Northwest Territories 0.14616 €
Chad - Fixed 0.468 €
Chad - Mobile Celtel 0.3915 €
Chad - Mobile Millicom 0.468 €
Chad - Mobile Others 0.468 €
Chad / Mobile 0.26532 €
Chile - Fixed 0.03114 €
Chile - Fixed Santiago 0.02 €
Chile - Mobile 0.1764 €
Chile - Rural 0.0324 €
Chile - Rural 0.81 €
Chile - Special Services 0.81 €
Chile - Special Services 2.60874 €
Chile / Punta Arenas 0.0342 €
Chile / Santiago 0.02 €
Chile / Urban 0.324 €
China - Fixed 0.02 €
China - Mobile Others 0.06 €
China - Mobile UNCCL 0.06 €
China / Beijing 0.02 €
China / Mobile 0.06 €
China / Mobile Telecom 0.06 €
Cyprus - Fixed 0.02 €
Cyprus - Mobility services 0.702 €
Cyprus - Mobile 0.081 €
Cyprus - Mobile CYTA 0.08 €
Cyprus - Mobile MTN 0.08 €
Cyprus - Personal Numbering 0.1044 €
Cyprus / Mobile 0.08 €
Colombia 0.03834 €
Colombia - Fixed 0.03834 €
Colombia - Fixed Bogota 0.02592 €
Colombia - Fixed Bogota 0.0225 €
Colombia - Fixed Cali 0.02 €
Colombia - Fixed Cali 0.03384 €
Colombia - Fixed Medellin 0.0324 €
Colombia - Fixed Medellin 0.03276 €
Colombia - LEX 0.0549 €
Colombia - LEX 0.17154 €
Colombia - Mobile 0.0756 €
Colombia - Mobile Comcel 0.06 €
Colombia - Mobile Movistar 0.06192 €
Colombia - Mobile TIGO 0.08622 €
Colombia / Armenia 0.03546 €
Colombia / Barranquilla 0.03546 €
Colombia / Bucaramanga 0.02106 €
Colombia / Cali 0.02 €
Colombia / Cartagena 0.03132 €
Colombia / LEX 0.0549 €
Colombia / LEX EDATEL 0.0549 €
Colombia / LEX TELECOM 0.0549 €
Colombia / Manizales 0.02106 €
Colombia / Medellin 0.0324 €
Colombia / Mobile Other 0.1071 €
Colombia / Mobile Tigo 0.09 €
Colombia / Pereira 0.02214 €
Comoros 0.297 €
Comoros - Mobility Services 1.35 €
Comoros - Mobile 0.378 €
Comoros - Special services 0.45 €
North Korea 0.59994 €
South Korea - Fixed 0.02 €
South Korea - Mobile 0.06 €
South Korea - Mobile KTF 0.06 €
South Korea - Mobile SK 0.06 €
South Korea / Mobile 0.06 €
Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire) - Fixed 0.261 €
Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire) - Fixed MTN 0.3528 €
Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire) - Mobile COMIUM 0.14742 €
Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire) - Mobile Moov 0.3024 €
Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire) - Mobile MTN 0.3105 €
Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire) - Mobile MTN 0.3528 €
Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire) - Mobile Orange 0.30384 €
Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire) - Mobile Oricel 0.16524 €
Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire) - Mobile Others 0.1782 €
Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire) - Special Services 1.53 €
Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire) / VAS 18 €
Costa Rica - Fixed 0.02 €
Costa Rica - Mobile 0.06 €
Costa Rica - Mobile Claro 0.0639 €
Costa Rica - Mobile Telefonica 0.08154 €
Costa Rica / Mobile 0.06 €
Costa Rica / Telefonica 0.02 €
Croatia - Fixed 0.02 €
Croatia - Mobile HPT 0.11034 €
Croatia - Mobile Others 0.11034 €
Croatia - Mobile Vipnet 0.11034 €
Cuba - Fixed 0.76554 €
Cuba - Fixed Guantanamo 0.76554 €
Cuba - Mobile 0.76554 €
Cuba / La Habana 0.783 €
Cuba / Mobile 0.783 €
Denmark - Fixed 0.02 €
Denmark - Mobile HI3G 0.08 €
Denmark - Mobile Others 0.08 €
Denmark - Mobile Sonofon 0.08 €
Denmark - Mobile TDK 0.08 €
Denmark - Mobile Telia 0.08 €
Denmark - Paid800 0.02 €
Denmark / Mobile Hi3G 0.08 €
Denmark / Mobile Other 0.08 €
Denmark / Mobile TDC 0.08 €
Denmark / Mobile Telenor 0.08 €
Djibouti - Fixed 0.3816 €
Djibouti - Mobile 0.387 €
Djibouti / Mobile 0.3816 €
Dominica 0.1611 €
Dominica - Mobile Digicel 0.24786 €
Dominica - Mobile Others 0.25326 €
Dominica - Special Services 3.222 €
Ecuador 0.20718 €
Ecuador - Fixed 0.1062 €
Ecuador - Fixed Quito 0.1062 €
Ecuador - Mobile Otecel 0.19206 €
Ecuador - Mobile Others 0.25434 €
Ecuador - Mobile Porta 0.22068 €
Ecuador - Mobile Porta 0.21834 €
Ecuador / Andinatel 0.10692 €
Ecuador / Cuenca 0.1062 €
Ecuador / Mobile Alegro 0.216 €
Ecuador / Mobile Porta 0.21834 €
Ecuador / Setel 0.08748 €
Egypt - Fixed 0.09288 €
Egypt - Mobile 0.06 €
Egypt - Mobile Etisalat 0.06 €
Egypt / Alexandria 0.0936 €
Egypt / Cairo 0.0936 €
Egypt / Mobile 0.06 €
El Salvador - Fixed 0.207 €
El Salvador - Mobile 0.20394 €
El Salvador - Mobile Claro 0.17118 €
El Salvador - Mobile Digicel 0.1746 €
El Salvador - Mobile Digicel 0.15336 €
El Salvador - Mobile Saltel 0.17982 €
El Salvador - Mobile Saltel 0.18162 €
El Salvador - Mobile Telemovil 0.17982 €
El Salvador - Mobile Telemovil 0.2484 €
El Salvador / CTE 0.11952 €
El Salvador / Mobile 0.2052 €
El Salvador / Mobile CTE 0.17982 €
El Salvador / Mobile Movistar 0.17982 €
El Salvador / Mobile Telemovil 0.17982 €
El Salvador / Others 0.207 €
United Arab Emirates - Fixed 0.1665 €
United Arab Emirates - Fixed Sanacom 0.17262 €
United Arab Emirates - Mobile DU 0.15786 €
United Arab Emirates - Mobile DU 0.17262 €
United Arab Emirates - Mobile Others 0.17262 €
United Arab Emirates - Mobile Others 0.15786 €
Eritrea - Fixed 0.2763 €
Eritrea - Mobile 0.2439 €
Slovakia - Fixed 0.02 €
Slovakia - Mobile Eurotel 0.1152 €
Slovakia - Mobile O2 0.1449 €
Slovakia - Mobile O2 0.14382 €
Slovakia - Mobile Orange 0.1188 €
Slovakia - Mobile Orange 0.13824 €
Slovakia - Mobile Others 0.1485 €
Slovakia / Bratislava 0.02 €
Slovakia / Mobile Orange 0.1188 €
Slovakia / Premium 1.782 €
Slovenia - Fixed 0.02142 €
Slovenia - Fixed IPKO 0.4644 €
Slovenia - Fixed Type A 0.02502 €
Slovenia - Fixed Type B 0.02502 €
Slovenia - Mobile IPKO 0.4644 €
Slovenia - Mobile Mobitel 0.0639 €
Slovenia - Mobile Others 0.06606 €
Slovenia - Mobile Others 0.0675 €
Slovenia - Mobile Simobil 0.06264 €
Slovenia - Mobile Simobil 0.0657 €
Slovenia - Mobile Tusmobile 0.0675 €
Slovenia - Special services 0.81 €
Slovenia / Alternative Networks 0.108 €
Slovenia / Mobile 0.468 €
Slovenia / Mobile T2 0.06606 €
Slovenia / Tus TeleKom 0.02 €
Spain - 51x VoIP 0.01815 €
Spain - 900 0 €
Spain - 901 0.04 €
Spain - 902 0.121 € (+ 0.11 € start up fee)
Spain - 904 0.0847 € (+ 0.11 € start up fee)
Spain - 905 0 € (+ 2 € start up fee)
Spain - 907 3.388 € (+ 0.11 € start up fee)
Spain - Fixed 0.01815 €
Spain - Information 118x 4.84 € (+ 5 € start up fee)
Spain - Mobile 0.0726 €
Spain - Short local numbers 0xx 0.363 € (+ 0.8 € start up fee)
Spain - Value Added Numbers 803, 806, 807 4.84 € (+ 1.09 € start up fee)
Spain - Value Added Numbers 804 0.2178 € (+ 1 € start up fee)
Spain - Special numbers 1x 4.84 € (+ 5 € start up fee)
Spain - Personal numbers 70x 0.4114 €
United States 0.02 €
United States - 800 0.09 €
United States - Fixed Alaska 0.02 €
United States - Fixed Hawaii 0.02 €
Wake Islands 18 €
Midway Islands 18 €
Saipan 0.036 €
Estonia - Fixed 0.2 €
Estonia - Mobility Services 0.81 €
Estonia - Mobile EMT 0.4 €
Estonia - Mobile Others 0.4 €
Estonia - Mobile Radiolinja 0.4 €
Estonia - Mobile Tele2 0.4 €
Estonia - Special Services 0.81 €
Estonia / Mobile 0.4 €
Ethiopia - Fixed 0.25506 €
Ethiopia - Fixed Addis Abeba 0.25506 €
Ethiopia - Mobile 0.25362 €
Ethiopia - Mobile 0.25506 €
Ethiopia - Mobile ETA Addis Abeba 0.25506 €
Ethiopia - Mobile ETA Addis Abeba 0.25002 €
Ethiopia / Addis Abbaba 0.261 €
Ethiopia / Mobile 0.25362 €
Ethiopia / Mobile Addis Abbaba 0.25002 €
Russia 0.1971 €
Russia - Abkhazia 0.1809 €
Russia - Far Zone 0.0414 €
Russia - Far Zone 0.0459 €
Russia - Fixed 0.054 €
Russia - Fixed 1 0.0279 €
Russia - Fixed 2 0.0279 €
Russia - Fixed Moscow 0.02 €
Russia - Fixed St Petersburg 0.02 €
Russia - Mobility Services 0.45 €
Russia - Mobile 0.21996 €
Russia - Mobile Abkhazia 0.2259 €
Russia - Mobile Global 3.24 €
Russia - Mobile GTNT 4.5 €
Russia - Mobile Iridium 4.5 €
Russia - Mobile Megafon 0.18594 €
Russia - Mobile Megafon 0.1917 €
Russia - Mobile MTS 0.189 €
Russia - Mobile Rostel 0.16182 €
Russia - Mobile Rostel 0.21996 €
Russia - Mobile Vympelcom 0.2169 €
Russia - Mobile Vympelcom 0.1908 €
Russia - South Ossetia 0.2295 €
Russia / Area 3 0.0414 €
Russia / Comstar 0.02916 €
Russia / Kazan 0.02376 €
Russia / Krasnodar 0.02376 €
Russia / Mobile Megafon 0.18594 €
Russia / Mobile Other 0.1908 €
Russia / Mobile Rostelecom 0.16182 €
Russia / Naberezhnye 0.0243 €
Russia / Overlay 0.03096 €
Russia / Sovintel 0.02 €
Philippines 0.11322 €
Philippines - Fixed 0.11322 €
Philippines - Fixed Bayantel 0.11502 €
Philippines - Fixed Digitel 0.11502 €
Philippines - Fixed Globetel 0.0846 €
Philippines - Fixed PLDT 0.11538 €
Philippines - Mobile Digitel 0.1341 €
Philippines - Mobile Globetel 0.1359 €
Philippines - Mobile Others 0.17046 €
Philippines - Mobile Smart 0.15264 €
Philippines / Manila 0.11322 €
Finland 0.0495 €
Finland - Fixed 0.0495 €
Finland - Mobility Services 0.08 €
Finland - Mobility Services 0.144 €
Finland - Mobile Finnet 0.08 €
Finland - Mobile Others 0.08 €
Finland - Mobile Sonera 0.08 €
Finland - Personal Numbering 0.144 €
Finland - Special Services 0.144 €
Finland - Special Services 0.0594 €
Finland / Mobile 0.08 €
Fiji - Fixed 0.19602 €
Fiji - Mobile 0.19602 €
France 0.02 €
France - Fixed ILIAD 0.02 €
France - Fixed Off Peak 0.02 €
France - Fixed OLO 0.02 €
France - Fixed OLO Zone 1 0.02 €
France - Fixed OLO Zone 2 0.02 €
France - Fixed OLO Zone 3 0.02 €
France - Fixed OLO Zone 4 0.02 €
France - Fixed OLO Zone 5 0.02 €
France - Fixed OLO Zone 6 0.02 €
France - Fixed OLO Zone 7 0.02 €
France - Fixed Paris Off Peak 0.02 €
France - Mobile Bouygues 0.08 €
France - Mobile Free 0.08 €
France - Mobile Globalstar 0.08 €
France - Mobile Globalstar 0.72 €
France - Mobile NRJ 0.08 €
France - Mobile Orange 0.08 €
France - Mobile Others 0.08 €
France - Mobile SFR 0.08 €
France - Mobile Virgin 0.08 €
France - Special services 0.48 €
France - Special services 0.48 €
France - Special services 0.48 €
France / Mobile Bouygues 0.08 €
France / Mobile Free 0.08 €
France / Mobile Orange 0.08 €
France / Mobile Other 0.08 €
France / Mobile SFR 0.08 €
France / Mobile Virgin 0.08 €
France / Premium 1.7838 €
France Premium 0.35 €
Gabon - Fixed 0.504 €
Gabon - Mobile 0.504 €
Gabon - Mobile 0.513 €
Gabon - Mobile CELTEL 0.477 €
Gabon - Mobile TELCEL 0.504 €
Gabon - Mobile TELCEL 0.594 €
Gabon - Mobile Usan 0.504 €
Gabon - Mobile Usan 0.513 €
Gambia - Fixed 0.5382 €
Gambia - Mobile 0.5382 €
Gambia - Mobile 0.91368 €
Gambia / Mobile Africell 0.5382 €
Georgia 0.03744 €
Georgia - Fixed 0.03744 €
Georgia - Fixed Tbilisi 0.03492 €
Georgia - Mobile Geocell 0.1341 €
Georgia - Mobile Magtikom 0.1341 €
Georgia - Mobile Others 0.0882 €
Georgia - Special services 0.72 €
Georgia / Mobile 0.0882 €
Ghana - Fixed 0.20862 €
Ghana - Mobile 0.20862 €
Ghana - Mobile 0.23526 €
Ghana - Mobile Ghanat 0.20862 €
Ghana - Mobile Ghanat 0.22482 €
Ghana - Mobile Glomob 0.20862 €
Ghana - Mobile Millicom 0.20862 €
Ghana - Mobile MTN 0.21564 €
Ghana - Mobile MTN 0.12582 €
Ghana - Mobile Zain 0.20862 €
Ghana / Accra 0.20862 €
Gibraltar 0.207 €
Gibraltar - Fixed 0.03312 €
Gibraltar - Mobile 0.207 €
Gibraltar - Mobile 0.2142 €
Gibraltar / Mobile 0.207 €
Grenada - Fixed 0.1539 €
Grenada - Mobile Digicel 0.25038 €
Grenada - Mobile Others 0.24786 €
Grenada - Special Services 0.90432 €
Grenada / Mobile 0.288 €
Greece - Fixed 0.02 €
Greece - Fixed Athens 0.02 €
Greece - Mobile Cosmote 0.08 €
Greece - Mobile Vodafone 0.08 €
Greece - Mobile Wind 0.08 €
Greenland - Fixed 0.414 €
Greenland - Mobile 0.639 €
Greenland / Mobile 1.08 €
Guadeloupe - Fixed 0.02106 €
Guadeloupe - Mobile Digicel 0.06 €
Guadeloupe - Mobile Orange 0.06 €
Guadeloupe - Mobile Others 0.06 €
Guadeloupe - Mobile Outre Mer Telecom 0.08604 €
Guam 0.02 €
Guatemala - Fixed 0.1548 €
Guatemala - Mobile 0.14256 €
Guatemala - Mobile COMCEL 0.1359 €
Guatemala - Mobile COMCEL 0.144 €
Guatemala - Mobile PCS 0.1044 €
Guatemala / Mobile Comcel 0.1359 €
Guatemala / Mobile PCS 0.1044 €
Guatemala - Mobile TELEFONICA 0.1251 €
Guatemala / Mobile Telefonica 0.1251 €
Guatemala - Mobile TELEFONICA 0.13392 €
Guatemala / Telgua 0.07182 €
French Guiana - Fixed 0.0216 €
French Guiana - Mobile Digicel 0.06 €
French Guiana - Mobile Orange 0.099 €
French Guiana - Mobile Others 0.06 €
French Guiana - Mobile Outremer 0.108 €
Guinea-Bissau 0.3906 €
Guinea-Bissau - Fixed 0.3906 €
Guinea-Bissau - Mobile MTN 0.36756 €
Guinea-Bissau - Mobile MTN 0.54 €
Guinea-Bissau - Mobile Others 0.3816 €
Guinea-Bissau - Mobile Others 0.38574 €
Guinea-Bissau - Special services 0.9 €
Equatorial Guinea - Fixed 0.511368 €
Equatorial Guinea - Mobile 0.511368 €
Guyana - Fixed 0.21168 €
Guyana - Mobile Digicel 0.09396 €
Guyana - Mobile Others 0.28242 €
Haiti - Fixed 0.2934 €
Haiti - Fixed Haitel 0.33282 €
Haiti - Mobile Digicel 0.27522 €
Haiti - Mobile Haitel 0.306 €
Haiti - Mobile Haitel 0.3132 €
Haiti - Mobile Others 0.29214 €
Haiti / Mobile Comcel 0.3105 €
Haiti / Mobile Digicel 0.31986 €
Honduras - Fixed 0.0945 €
Honduras - Mobile 0.1026 €
Honduras - Mobile 0.13968 €
Honduras - Mobile 0.14238 €
Honduras - Mobile 0.19584 €
Honduras - Mobile Celtel 0.1449 €
Honduras - Mobile Claro 0.15606 €
Honduras / Mobile Digicel 0.14238 €
Honduras / Mobile Hondutel 0.1026 €
Hong Kong - Fixed 0.02 €
Hong Kong - Mobile CSL 0.06 €
Hong Kong - Mobile Hutchison 0.06 €
Hong Kong - Mobile Others 0.06 €
Hong Kong - Mobile Smartone 0.06 €
Hong Kong / Mobile 0.06 €
Hungary - Fixed 0.02 €
Hungary - Fixed Budapest 0.02 €
Hungary - Mobile 0.08 €
Hungary - Mobile Pannon 0.08 €
Hungary - Mobile TMobile 0.08 €
Hungary - Mobile Vodafone 0.08 €
Hungary / Premium 1.782 €
India - Fixed 0.02 €
India - Fixed Ahmadabad 0.02 €
India - Fixed Bangalore 0.02 €
India - Fixed Calcutta 0.02 €
India - Fixed Ernakulam 0.02 €
India - Fixed Gujarat 0.02 €
India - Fixed Hyderabad 0.02 €
India - Fixed Jallandher 0.02 €
India - Fixed Kerala 0.02 €
India - Fixed Madras 0.02 €
India - Fixed Mumbai 0.02 €
India - Fixed New Delhi 0.02 €
India - Fixed Pune 0.02 €
India - Fixed Punjab 0.02 €
India - Fixed Tamil Nadu 0.02 €
India - Mobile AIRCEL 0.06 €
India - Mobile Bharti 0.06 €
India - Mobile BSNL 0.06 €
India - Mobile Idea 0.06 €
India - Mobile Others 0.06 €
India - Mobile Reliance 0.06 €
India - Mobile Tata 0.06 €
India - Mobile Vodafone 0.06 €
India / Mobile 0.06 €
India / Mobile BSNL 0.06 €
Indonesia - Fixed 0.0549 €
Indonesia - Fixed Bandung 0.04302 €
Indonesia - Fixed Batam 0.04302 €
Indonesia - Fixed Bogor 0.04302 €
Indonesia - Fixed Denpasar 0.04302 €
Indonesia - Fixed Jakarta 0.02 €
Indonesia - Fixed Malang 0.04302 €
Indonesia - Fixed Medan 0.04302 €
Indonesia - Fixed Surabaya 0.0261 €
Indonesia - Mobile Exelcom 0.06 €
Indonesia - Mobile Indosat 0.06 €
Indonesia - Mobile Others 0.07308 €
Indonesia - Mobile Satellite 0.47376 €
Indonesia / Mobile Satellite 0.06 €
Indonesia - Mobile Telkomsel 0.06 €
Indonesia - Mobile Telkomsel 0.06786 €
Indonesia / Mobile 0.0621 €
Iran - Fixed 0.0504 €
Iran - Fixed Tehran 0.036 €
Iran - Mobile 0.07254 €
Iran - Mobile MTN 0.06 €
Iran / Mobile 0.06 €
Iraq - Fixed 0.15678 €
Iraq - Fixed Baghdad 0.13662 €
Iraq - Mobile Asia Cell 0.2241 €
Iraq - Mobile Atheer 0.2241 €
Iraq - Mobile Korek 0.2241 €
Iraq - Mobile Others 0.2241 €
Iraq - Mobile Sana 0.2241 €
Iraq - Special services 0.70776 €
Iraq / Mobile Itisaluna 0.2322 €
Iraq / Mobile Kalimat 0.2322 €
Iraq / Mobile Mobitel 0.2322 €
Ireland - Fixed 0.02 €
Ireland - Mobile H3G Off Peak 0.06 €
Ireland - Mobile Meteor Off Peak 0.081 €
Ireland - Mobile O2 Off Peak 0.0747 €
Ireland - Mobile Off Peak 0.06876 €
Ireland - Mobile TESCO Off Peak 0.06876 €
Ireland - Mobile Vodafone Off Peak 0.06 €
Ireland - Special Services 0.1764 €
Ireland / Dublin 0.02 €
Ireland / Mobile Other 0.18 €
Ireland / Mobile Vodafone 0.06 €
Ireland / Premium 1.782 €
Pitcairn 18 €
Iceland - Fixed 0.02 €
Iceland - Mobile Others 0.06 €
Iceland - Mobile SIMINN 0.06 €
Iceland - Mobile Vodafone 0.06 €
Iceland / Mobile 0.063 €
Cayman Islands - Fixed 0.0819 €
Cayman Islands - Mobile Digicel 0.17928 €
Cayman Islands - Mobile Others 0.18216 €
Cook Islands - Fixed 0.8217 €
Cook Islands - Mobile 0.8217 €
Faroe Islands - Fixed 0.0648 €
Faroe Islands - Mobile 0.225 €
Falkland Islands - Fixed 2.7 €
Falkland Islands - Mobile 2.7 €
Marshall Islands 0.27396 €
Solomon Islands - Fixed 1.04346 €
Solomon Islands - Mobile 1.0044 €
Solomon Islands / Audiotext 1.8 €
Turks and Caicos Islands - Fixed 0.12132 €
Turks and Caicos Islands - Mobile 0.24012 €
Turks and Caicos Islands - Mobile Digicel 0.24102 €
Turks and Caicos Islands / Audiotext 18 €
Virgin Islands (U.S.) 0.02 €
British Virgin Islands 0.12258 €
British Virgin Islands - Mobile 0.25074 €
British Virgin Islands - Mobile Digicel 0.25074 €
Israel - Fixed 0.02 €
Israel - Fixed Palestine 0.1656 €
Israel - Mobile Cellcom 0.06 €
Israel - Mobile Others 0.06 €
Israel - Mobile Palestine 0.1908 €
Israel - Mobile Partner 0.06 €
Israel / Jerusalem 0.02 €
Israel / Mobile 0.06 €
Israel / Tel Aviv 0.02 €
Italy - Fixed 0.02 €
Italy - Mobile Elsacom 0.432 €
Italy - Mobile H3G 0.08 €
Italy - Mobile INTERM 0.0828 €
Italy - Mobile Others 0.0828 €
Italy - Mobile Others 0.378 €
Italy - Mobile TIM 0.08 €
Italy - Mobile Vodafone Omnitel 0.08 €
Italy - Mobile Vodafone Omnitel 0.0936 €
Italy - Mobile Wind 0.08 €
Italy / Mobile Other 0.0828 €
Italy / Mobile Tim 0.08 €
Italy / Mobile Wind 0.08 €
Italy / Premium 1.8 €
Jamaica - Fixed 0.10422 €
Jamaica - Mobile CW 0.2376 €
Jamaica - Mobile Digicel 0.23292 €
Jamaica / Mobile C&W 0.2565 €
Jamaica / Mobile Digicel 0.2673 €
Jamaica / Mobile Oceanic 0.261 €
Japan - Fixed 0.02484 €
Japan - IP Phone 0.07182 €
Japan - Mobile 0.07308 €
Japan - Mobile Docomo 0.07308 €
Japan / Tokyo 0.0261 €
Jordan - Fixed 0.09162 €
Jordan - Mobile Fastlink 0.1314 €
Jordan - Mobile Mobilecom 0.135 €
Jordan - Mobile Others 0.135 €
Jordan - Mobile Umniah 0.135 €
Jordan / Amman 0.08784 €
Jordan / Mobile 0.1062 €
Kazakhstan 0.02376 €
Kazakhstan - Fixed 0.054 €
Kazakhstan - Fixed Almaty 0.02 €
Kazakhstan - Fixed Astana 0.02 €
Kazakhstan - Fixed Karaganda 0.02 €
Kazakhstan - Fixed OLO 0.02376 €
Kazakhstan - Fixed OLO 0.81 €
Kazakhstan - Mobility services 0.72 €
Kazakhstan - Mobile 0.0927 €
Kazakhstan - Mobile KARTEL 0.19386 €
Kazakhstan - Mobile KARTEL 0.21744 €
Kazakhstan - Mobile KCELL 0.2169 €
Kazakhstan - Mobile KCELL 0.19386 €
Kazakhstan - Special services 0.72 €
Kenya - Fixed 0.12384 €
Kenya - Mobile CELTEL 0.06 €
Kenya - Mobile CELTEL 0.1332 €
Kenya - Mobile Econet 0.13338 €
Kenya - Mobile Others 0.13698 €
Kenya - Mobile Safaricom 0.0711 €
Kenya - Mobile Safaricom 0.06 €
Kenya - Special services 0.69264 €
Kenya / Mobile Orange 0.1359 €
Kenya / Mobile Safaricom 0.06 €
Kenya / Nairobi 0.153 €
Kyrgyzstan - Fixed 0.13194 €
Kyrgyzstan - Fixed Bishkek 0.1215 €
Kyrgyzstan - Mobile 0.30564 €
Kyrgyzstan - Mobile AYSAT 0.14958 €
Kyrgyzstan - Mobile Bimokom 0.1485 €
Kyrgyzstan - Mobile Nurtel 0.22824 €
Kyrgyzstan - Special Services 0.72 €
Kyrgyzstan / Mobile 0.16182 €
Kiribati 1.1205 €
Kiribati / Mobile 1.08 €
Kuwait - Fixed 0.0558 €
Kuwait - Mobile 0.08622 €
Kuwait - Mobile MTC 0.08622 €
Kuwait - Mobile UCC 0.08532 €
Kuwait / Mobile 0.08532 €
Laos - Fixed 0.03996 €
Laos - Mobile 0.06 €
Lesotho - Fixed 0.234 €
Lesotho - Mobile ECONET 0.16164 €
Lesotho - Mobile ECONET 0.27 €
Lesotho - Mobile Vodacom 0.16164 €
Latvia - Fixed 0.4 €
Latvia - Fixed OLO 0.2 €
Latvia - Fixed Riga 0.2 €
Latvia - Mobility services 0.9 €
Latvia - Mobile Baltija 0.4 €
Latvia - Mobile Bite 0.4 €
Latvia - Mobile CAMEL 0.4 €
Latvia - Mobile LMT 0.2 €
Latvia - Mobile Master 0.4 €
Latvia - Mobile Others 0.711 €
Latvia - Mobile Tele2 0.4 €
Latvia - Special services 0.756 €
Latvia / Mobile 0.4 €
Latvia / Premium 1.782 €
Latvia / Riga 0.6471 €
Lebanon - Fixed 0.09252 €
Lebanon - Mobile 0.1719 €
Lebanon - Mobile 0.1854 €
Lebanon / Mobile 0.1719 €
Liberia - Fixed 0.39546 €
Liberia - Mobility services 0.81396 €
Liberia - Mobile 0.42822 €
Liberia - Mobile Cellcom 0.38628 €
Liberia - Mobile Comium 0.432 €
Liberia - Mobile MTN 0.39222 €
Liberia - Special services 0.81396 €
Liberia / Mobile 0.45 €
Libya - Fixed 0.2556 €
Libya - Mobile 0.3816 €
Libya - Mobile 0.32382 €
Liechtenstein - Fixed 0.08334 €
Liechtenstein - Mobility Services 0.612 €
Liechtenstein - Mobile 0.216 €
Liechtenstein - Mobile Type A 0.3303 €
Liechtenstein - Special Services 0.954 €
Liechtenstein - Voice Mail 0.3303 €
Liechtenstein / Mobile 0.216 €
Liechtenstein / Premium 1.782 €
Lithuania - Fixed 0.2 €
Lithuania - Mobility Services 0.9 €
Lithuania - Mobile BITE 0.4 €
Lithuania - Mobile Omnitel 0.4 €
Lithuania - Mobile Others 0.4 €
Lithuania - Mobile Tele2 0.4 €
Lithuania - Special Services 0.9 €
Lithuania / Premium 1.782 €
Luxembourg - Fixed 0.02 €
Luxembourg - Mobile LUX GSM Off Peak 0.08 €
Luxembourg - Mobile Others 0.08 €
Luxembourg - Mobile Tangom Off Peak 0.08 €
Luxembourg - Mobile Vox Off Peak 0.08 €
Luxembourg - Non Geographical Number 0.684 €
Luxembourg / Mobile 0.16362 €
Macao - Fixed 0.0486 €
Macao - Mobile Others 0.06 €
Macedonia - Fixed 0.12744 €
Macedonia - Fixed Cosmofon 0.1854 €
Macedonia - Fixed Skopje 0.1854 €
Macedonia - Mobile Cosmofon 0.43794 €
Macedonia - Mobile Mobimak 0.43794 €
Macedonia - Mobile Others 0.43794 €
Macedonia - Special services 0.54 €
Macedonia - Special services Type_A 0.54 €
Macedonia - Special services Type_B 0.54 €
Macedonia / Mobile 0.4428 €
Madagascar - Fixed 0.64044 €
Madagascar - Mobility Services 1.21086 €
Madagascar - Mobile 0.64044 €
Madagascar - Mobile Madacom 0.64044 €
Madagascar - Mobile Orange 0.6759 €
Madagascar - Special Services A 1.21086 €
Madagascar - Special Services B 1.21086 €
Madagascar / Mobile 0.729 €
Malaysia - Fixed 0.02 €
Malaysia - Mobile Celcom 0.06 €
Malaysia - Mobile Digi 0.06 €
Malaysia - Mobile Maxis 0.06 €
Malaysia - Mobile Others 0.06 €
Malawi - Fixed 0.14238 €
Malawi - Mobile 0.36594 €
Malawi - Mobile Access 0.3006 €
Malawi - Mobile Celtel 0.41832 €
Malawi / Mobile 0.207 €
Maldives - Fixed 0.954 €
Maldives - Mobility services 0.91296 €
Maldives - Mobility Services KEYCOM 0.963 €
Maldives - Mobile Dhiraagu 0.91296 €
Maldives - Mobile Wataniya 0.91296 €
Maldives - Special Services KEYCOM 0.8658 €
Mali - Fixed 0.2448 €
Mali - Fixed Bamako 0.225 €
Mali - Mobile Ikatel 0.351 €
Mali - Mobile Others 0.31392 €
Mali - Mobile Others 0.3582 €
Mali / Orange 0.2232 €
Malta - Fixed 0.02 €
Malta - Mobile Others 0.08 €
Malta - Mobile Vodafone 0.08 €
Malta / Mobile 0.08 €
Morocco - Fixed 0.02 €
Morocco - Fixed Meditel 0.171 €
Morocco - Fixed Wana 0.1143 €
Morocco - Mobility services 0.414 €
Morocco - Mobile Hourri 0.423 €
Morocco - Mobile Meditelecom 0.4536 €
Morocco - Mobile Others 0.4536 €
Morocco - Mobile WANA 0.4536 €
Morocco - Mobile WANA Far Zone 0.3636 €
Morocco / IAM 0.02 €
Morocco / Mobile IAM 0.45162 €
Martinique - Fixed 0.0207 €
Martinique - Mobile Digicel 0.06 €
Martinique - Mobile Orange 0.06 €
Martinique - Mobile Others 0.07614 €
Martinique - Mobile Outre Mer Telecom 0.07938 €
Mauritius - Fixed 0.07578 €
Mauritius - Mobile Emtel 0.07974 €
Mauritius - Mobile Others 0.07974 €
Mauritius / Mobile 0.108 €
Mauritania 0.477 €
Mauritania - Fixed CHITEL 0.47052 €
Mauritania - Mobile CHINGUITEL 0.4455 €
Mauritania - Mobile MATTEL 0.4563 €
Mauritania - Mobile MAURITEL 0.4563 €
Mauritania / Mobile 0.4563 €
Mayotte 0.10674 €
Mayotte - Fixed 0.135 €
Mayotte - Mobile 0.414 €
Mexico - Equal Access 0.02 €
Mexico - Fixed 0.02 €
Mexico - Mexico City Fixed 0.02 €
Mexico - Monterrey Fixed 0.02 €
Mexico - Guadalajara 0.02 €
Mexico - Mobile 0.06 €
Mexico / Mobile Zona 1 0.06 €
Mexico / Mobile Zona 2 0.06 €
Mexico / Mobile Zona 3 0.06 €
Mexico / Zona 3 0.0378 €
Micronesia 0.23868 €
Moldova - Fixed 0.2088 €
Moldova - Fixed Pridnestrovje 0.1755 €
Moldova - Mobile Moldcell 0.3015 €
Moldova - Mobile Moldcell 0.3096 €
Moldova - Mobile Moldtelecom 0.27612 €
Moldova - Mobile Others 0.19062 €
Moldova - Mobile Voxtel 0.21024 €
Moldova - Mobile Voxtel 0.2952 €
Moldova - Special Services 0.9 €
Moldova / Mobile Eventis 0.2322 €
Monaco - Fixed 0.0747 €
Monaco - Fixed OLO 0.081 €
Monaco - Mobile 0.3654 €
Monaco - Mobile Kosovo 0.3924 €
Monaco - Special services 0.09 €
Mongolia - Fixed 0.0315 €
Mongolia - Mobile 0.06 €
Montenegro - Fixed 0.1422 €
Montenegro - Mobile 0.40392 €
Montenegro - Mobile MTEL 0.32346 €
Montenegro - Mobile PROMON 0.4095 €
Montenegro - Special services TYPE A 0.72 €
Montenegro - Special services TYPE B 0.54 €
Montserrat - Fixed 0.207 €
Montserrat - Mobile 0.2124 €
Montserrat - Mobile 1.566 €
Montserrat / Mobile 0.2124 €
Mozambique - Fixed 0.05994 €
Mozambique - Mobile Movitel 0.11808 €
Mozambique - Mobile Others 0.1224 €
Mozambique - Mobile Vodacom 0.25344 €
Mozambique / Mobile 0.2511 €
Myanmar (Burma) - Fixed 0.29394 €
Myanmar (Burma) - Mobility Services 0.34236 €
Myanmar (Burma) - Mobile 0.33984 €
Namibia - Fixed 0.06192 €
Namibia - Mobile 0.0999 €
Namibia - Mobile 0.1476 €
Nauru 0.83304 €
Nepal - Fixed 0.12006 €
Nepal - Fixed Kathmandu 0.12006 €
Nepal - Mobile 0.12006 €
Nepal - Mobile SPICE 0.12546 €
Nicaragua - Fixed 0.13302 €
Nicaragua - Mobility services 1.08 €
Nicaragua - Mobile Others 0.252 €
Nicaragua - Mobile Others 0.28692 €
Nicaragua - Mobile Telefonica 0.25884 €
Nicaragua / Mobile Movistar 0.2664 €
Niger - Fixed 0.351 €
Niger - Mobile 0.351 €
Niger - Mobile Celtel 0.351 €
Niger - Mobile Orange 0.3456 €
Niger - Mobile Telecel 0.351 €
Niger - Special Services 1.548 €
Niger / Mobile 0.378 €
Nigeria - Fixed 0.06012 €
Nigeria - Fixed MTN 0.09126 €
Nigeria - Mobile Celtel 0.06 €
Nigeria - Mobile Etisalat 0.06 €
Nigeria - Mobile Globacom 0.06 €
Nigeria - Mobile MTN 0.06 €
Nigeria - Mobile Others 0.09198 €
Nigeria - Mobile Others 0.06012 €
Nigeria - Mobile Visafone 0.06012 €
Nigeria / Lagos 0.06012 €
Nigeria / Mobile MTEL 0.06012 €
Nigeria / Mobile Multi-links 0.06012 €
Nigeria / Mobile Nitel 0.06012 €
Nigeria / Mobile Reliance 0.06012 €
Nigeria / Mobile Starcomms 0.06012 €
Nigeria / Mobile Visafone 0.06012 €
Niue 0.72 €
Norfolk 0.78264 €
Norway - Fixed 0.02 €
Norway - Mobile Netcom 0.08 €
Norway - Mobile Network 0.08 €
Norway - Mobile Others 0.08 €
Norway - Mobile Tele2 0.08 €
Norway - Mobile Telenor 0.08 €
Norway - Special Services 0.2286 €
Norway / Mobile Netcom 0.08 €
Norway / Mobile Other 0.08 €
Norway / Mobile Tele2 0.08 €
Norway / Mobile Telenor 0.08 €
Norway / Premium 1.782 €
New Caledonia - Fixed 0.1782 €
New Caledonia - Mobile 0.1782 €
New Caledonia - Mobile 0.20916 €
New Caledonia / Mobile 0.1782 €
New Zealand - Fixed 0.02 €
New Zealand - Mobile Others 0.06 €
New Zealand - Mobile Vodafone 0.06 €
New Zealand / Mobile 0.06 €
Oman - Fixed 0.1098 €
Oman - Fixed Nawras 0.1098 €
Oman - Mobile 0.2484 €
Oman - Mobile Nawras 0.26406 €
Oman / Mobile 0.2844 €
Netherlands Antilles - Fixed 0.1044 €
Netherlands Antilles - Mobile 0.1305 €
Netherlands Antilles - Mobile 0.16038 €
Netherlands Antilles - Mobile Digicel 0.12978 €
Netherlands Antilles - Sint maarten 0.13302 €
Netherlands Antilles / Mobile 0.1305 €
Netherlands - Fixed 0.02 €
Netherlands - Mobile KPN Off Peak 0.08 €
Netherlands - Mobile Lyca Off Peak 0.1503 €
Netherlands - Mobile O2 Off Peak 0.08 €
Netherlands - Mobile Others Off Peak 0.08 €
Netherlands - Mobile Others Off Peak 0.225 €
Netherlands - Mobile T-Mobile Off Peak 0.08 €
Netherlands - Mobile TELE2 Off Peak 0.08 €
Netherlands - Mobile Tismi 0.09 €
Netherlands - Mobile Vodafone Off Peak 0.08 €
Netherlands - Special Services 2.16 €
Netherlands - Special Services 1.782 €
Netherlands / Mobile Other 0.08 €
Pakistan - Fixed 0.117 €
Pakistan - Fixed Islamabad 0.117 €
Pakistan - Fixed Karachi 0.117 €
Pakistan - Fixed Lahore 0.117 €
Pakistan - Mobile 0.12024 €
Pakistan / Mobile 0.117 €
Palau 0.45648 €
Palestine 0.1656 €
Palestine - Fixed 0.1656 €
Palestine - Mobile 0.1908 €
Palestine / Mobile 0.1908 €
Panama - Fixed 0.0396 €
Panama - Mobile 0.1359 €
Panama - Mobile CW 0.1422 €
Panama - Mobile Digicel 0.13824 €
Panama - Mobile Telefonica 0.13572 €
Panama / Mobile 0.1359 €
Panama / Panama City 0.0396 €
Papua New Guinea - Fixed 0.45648 €
Papua New Guinea - Mobile 0.45648 €
Papua New Guinea - Mobile Digicel 0.6678 €
Papua New Guinea - Special services 0.88704 €
Papua New Guinea / Audiotext 1.8 €
Papua New Guinea / Mobile 1.08 €
Paraguay - Fixed 0.03348 €
Paraguay - Mobile 0.12654 €
Paraguay - Mobile Personal 0.1044 €
Paraguay - Mobile TELCEL 0.081 €
Paraguay / Asuncion 0.03348 €
Paraguay / Mobile 0.06 €
Paraguay / Mobile Claro 0.06 €
Paraguay / Mobile Personal 0.06 €
Paraguay / Mobile Tigo 0.10134 €
Paraguay / Mobile Vox 0.10782 €
Peru - Fixed 0.02 €
Peru - Fixed Lima 0.02 €
Peru - High Cost 0.31302 €
Peru - Mobile 0.0765 €
Peru - Mobile Claro 0.07596 €
Peru - Mobile Claro 0.0765 €
Peru - Mobile Telefonica 0.06 €
Peru - Rural 0.333 €
Peru / Lima 0.02 €
Peru / Mobile Claro 0.07596 €
Peru / Mobile Movistar 0.06 €
Peru / Mobile Nextel 0.0828 €
Peru / Premium 1.782 €
French Polynesia - Fixed 0.234 €
French Polynesia - Mobile 0.342 €
Poland - Fixed 0.02 €
Poland - Fixed POLTEL Warsaw 0.02 €
Poland - Fixed POLTEL Zone 1 0.02 €
Poland - Fixed POLTEL Zone 2 0.02 €
Poland - Fixed POLTEL Zone 3 0.02 €
Poland - Fixed POLTEL Zone 4 0.02 €
Poland - Fixed POLTEL Zone 5 0.02 €
Poland - Fixed POLTEL Zone 6 0.02 €
Poland - Fixed POLTEL Zone 7 0.02 €
Poland - Fixed POLTEL Zone 8 0.02 €
Poland - Fixed Warsaw 0.02214 €
Poland - Mobile Centernet Off Peak 0.08 €
Poland - Mobile Centertel Off Peak 0.08 €
Poland - Mobile Era Off Peak 0.08 €
Poland - Mobile Others Off Peak 0.08 €
Poland - Mobile P4 Off Peak 0.08 €
Poland - Mobile Polkomtel Off Peak 0.08 €
Poland - Special services 0.9 €
Poland / Mobile Other 0.09 €
Poland / Mobile P4 0.08 €
Poland / Mobile Polkomtel 0.08 €
Poland / OLO 0.02 €
Poland / Premium 1.782 €
Portugal - Fixed Marconi Zone 1 0.02 €
Portugal - Fixed Marconi Zone 2 0.02 €
Portugal - Fixed Marconi Zone 3 0.02 €
Portugal - Fixed Marconi Zone 4 0.02 €
Portugal - Fixed Marconi Zone 5 0.02 €
Portugal - Fixed Novis 0.02 €
Portugal - Fixed OLO 0.02 €
Portugal - Fixed ONI 0.02 €
Portugal - Madeira and Azores 0.02 €
Portugal - Mobile Optimus 0.08 €
Portugal - Mobile Others 0.08 €
Portugal - Mobile Others 0.216 €
Portugal - Mobile TMN 0.08 €
Portugal - Mobile Vodafone Telecel 0.08 €
Portugal / Mobile Other 0.08 €
Portugal / Mobile TMN 0.08 €
Portugal / Mobile Vodafone 0.08 €
Portugal / OLO 0.02 €
Puerto Rico 0.02 €
Qatar - Fixed 0.16254 €
Qatar - Mobile 0.19278 €
Qatar - Mobile Vodafo 0.18756 €
Qatar / Mobile 0.2088 €
Qatar / Paging 0.2124 €
Diego Garcia - Fixed 1.08 €
Diego Garcia - Mobile 2.322 €
Diego Garcia / Audiotext 1.08 €
UK 0.02 €
United Kingdom - Corporate Numbering 0.02 €
United Kingdom - Fixed 0.02 €
United Kingdom - Fixed London 0.02 €
United Kingdom - Fixed Wide numbers 0.02 €
United Kingdom - Local Calls 0.1476 €
United Kingdom - Mobility services TISMIB 0.396 €
United Kingdom - Mobile Alternative Off Peak 0.333 €
United Kingdom - Mobile H3G Off Peak 0.08 €
United Kingdom - Mobile Lyca Off Peak 0.2556 €
United Kingdom - Mobile O2 Off Peak 0.08 €
United Kingdom - Mobile Orange Off Peak 0.08 €
United Kingdom - Mobile Others Weekend 0.342 €
United Kingdom - Mobile Others Weekend 0.306 €
United Kingdom - Mobile T-mobile Off Peak 0.08 €
United Kingdom - Mobile Tismi Off Peak 0.09 €
United Kingdom - Mobile Vodafone Off Peak 0.08 €
United Kingdom - National Calls 0.261 €
United Kingdom - Personal Numbers 0.486 €
UK / Mobile Other 0.306 €
UK / National Call 0.2448 €
UK / Premium 0.6776 €
Central African Republic - Fixed 0.3456 €
Central African Republic - Mobile 0.504 €
Central African Republic - Mobile TELCEL 0.495 €
Central African Republic - Special Services 0.99 €
Czech Republic - Fixed Off Peak 0.02286 €
Czech Republic - Mobile CZETEL 0.08 €
Czech Republic - Mobile Others 0.08 €
Czech Republic - Mobile T-Mobil 0.08 €
Czech Republic - Mobile Travel 0.0864 €
Czech Republic - Mobile Travel Type A 0.08 €
Czech Republic - Mobile Vodafone 0.08 €
Czech Republic - Special Services 0.099 €
Czech Republic / Mobile 0.08 €
Congo, Republic of (Brazzaville) - Fixed 0.43632 €
Congo, Republic of (Brazzaville) - Mobile Celtel 0.504 €
Congo, Republic of (Brazzaville) - Mobile MTN 0.432 €
Congo, Republic of (Brazzaville) - Mobile Others 0.4014 €
Congo, Republic of (Brazzaville) - Mobile Warid 0.504 €
Congo, Republic of (Brazzaville) / Mobile MTN 0.4095 €
Congo, Republic of (Brazzaville) / Mobile Warid 0.4095 €
Congo, Republic of (Brazzaville) / Mobile Zain 0.4095 €
Democratic Republic of the Congo (Kinshasa) - Fixed 0.324 €
Democratic Republic of the Congo (Kinshasa) - Mobility Services 1.62 €
Democratic Republic of the Congo (Kinshasa) - Mobility Services Type A 1.62 €
Democratic Republic of the Congo (Kinshasa) - Mobile Celtel 0.225 €
Democratic Republic of the Congo (Kinshasa) - Mobile Celtel 0.29808 €
Democratic Republic of the Congo (Kinshasa) - Mobile COCHTL 0.2403 €
Democratic Republic of the Congo (Kinshasa) - Mobile Others 0.36 €
Democratic Republic of the Congo (Kinshasa) - Mobile Sait 0.28242 €
Democratic Republic of the Congo (Kinshasa) - Mobile TATEM 0.279 €
Democratic Republic of the Congo (Kinshasa) - Mobile Vodacom 0.25182 €
Democratic Republic of the Congo (Kinshasa) - Special Services 1.62 €
Democratic Republic of the Congo (Kinshasa) - Special Services 1.71 €
Democratic Republic of the Congo (Kinshasa) / Mobile 1.62 €
Dominican Republic - Fixed 0.0234 €
Dominican Republic - Mobile Orange 0.0801 €
Dominican Republic - Mobile Orange 0.08046 €
Dominican Republic - Mobile Others 0.08046 €
Dominican Republic - Mobile Others 0.0801 €
Dominican Republic - Mobile Verizon 0.0801 €
Dominican Republic - Mobile Verizon 0.08046 €
Dominican Republic - Santo Domingo 0.0216 €
Dominican Republic / Mobile 0.0801 €
Guinea - Fixed 0.46008 €
Guinea - Mobility services 0.96858 €
Guinea - Mobile CELCOM 0.405 €
Guinea - Mobile INTCEL 0.4086 €
Guinea - Mobile MAI 0.50778 €
Guinea - Mobile MTN 0.3582 €
Guinea - Mobile Orange 0.3915 €
Guinea - Mobile Orange 0.4509 €
Guinea - Mobile TYPE_A 0.36666 €
Guinea - Special services 1.0494 €
Guinea / Mobile 0.441 €
Guinea / Mobile Areeba 0.3582 €
Guinea / Mobile Cellcom 0.405 €
Guinea / Mobile Orange 0.3915 €
Reunion Island 0.02754 €
Reunion Island - Fixed 0.02 €
Reunion Island - Mobile Orange 0.06 €
Reunion Island - Mobile Others 0.0756 €
Reunion Island - Mobile SRR 0.06 €
Rwanda - Fixed 0.306 €
Rwanda - Fixed MTN 0.29412 €
Rwanda - Mobile AIRTEL 0.306 €
Rwanda - Mobile MTN 0.29016 €
Rwanda - Mobile Others 0.306 €
Rwanda - Mobile Tigo 0.306 €
Rwanda / Mobile 0.30996 €
Rwanda / Mobile MTN 0.30996 €
Romania - Fixed 0.02 €
Romania - Fixed Astral 0.02 €
Romania - Fixed Bucharest 0.02 €
Romania - fixed COSMOT 0.02 €
Romania - fixed MOBFON 0.02 €
Romania - Fixed OLO Zone1 0.02 €
Romania - Fixed OLO Zone2 0.02 €
Romania - fixed ORANGE 0.02 €
Romania - Fixed Rodasy 0.02 €
Romania - Mobile COSMOT 0.08 €
Romania - Mobile Enigma 0.0639 €
Romania - Mobile Mobifon 0.08 €
Romania - Mobile Orange 0.08 €
Romania - Mobile Others 0.08 €
Romania - Mobile Romtelecom 0.06084 €
Romania - Mobile Telemobil 0.08 €
Romania - Special Services 0.05886 €
Romania - Special Services 0.9 €
Romania - Special Services Mediafon 0.9 €
Romania - Special Services Rodasy 0.9 €
Romania - Special Services Type D 0.9 €
Romania / Alter 0.02 €
Romania / Mobile Other 0.08 €
Romania / Mobile Telemobi 0.08 €
Western Samoa - Fixed 0.56412 €
Western Samoa - Mobile 0.6066 €
American Samoa 0.03906 €
American Samoa / Mobile 0.081 €
Saint Kitts and Nevis - Fixed 0.13194 €
Saint Kitts and Nevis - Mobile Digicel 0.24786 €
Saint Kitts and Nevis - Mobile Others 0.25308 €
San Marino - Fixed 0.02 €
San Marino - Fixed TISM 0.0243 €
San Marino - Mobile SMT 0.2214 €
San Marino - Special services Type A 1.17 €
San Marino - Special services Type B 0.864 €
St Pierre & Miquelon - Fixed 0.4239 €
St Pierre & Miquelon - Mobile 0.5769 €
Sao Tome and Príncipe - Fixed 1.44 €
Sao Tome and Príncipe - Mobile 1.35 €
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - Fixed 0.16002 €
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - Mobile Digicel 0.24876 €
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - Mobile Others 0.25308 €
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines / Mobile 1.08 €
Ascension 1.08 €
Ascension - Special Services 2.34 €
St Helena 1.08 €
Saint Lucia - Fixed 0.15876 €
Saint Lucia - Mobile Digicel 0.25074 €
Saint Lucia - Mobile Others 0.25182 €
Senegal - Fixed 0.1863 €
Senegal - Fixed Expresso 0.39384 €
Senegal - Mobility Services 0.9 €
Senegal - Mobile Orange 0.3465 €
Senegal - Mobile Others 0.432 €
Senegal - Mobile Others 0.405 €
Senegal - Mobile Sentel 0.54 €
Senegal / Dakar 0.1827 €
Serbia - Fixed 0.14004 €
Serbia - Fixed Belgrade 0.135 €
Serbia - Fixed IPKO Kosovo 0.1791 €
Serbia - Fixed Kosovo 0.0747 €
Serbia - Fixed Orion 0.4005 €
Serbia - Mobile MOBTEL 0.396 €
Serbia - Mobile Others 0.396 €
Serbia - Mobile Vipnet 0.396 €
Serbia - Special services 0.405 €
Serbia - Special services YUGTEL 0.405 €
Seychelles 0.54 €
Seychelles - Mobil 0.558 €
Seychelles - Mobile Airtel 0.4752 €
Seychelles - Mobile Smartcom 0.468 €
Seychelles - Special services 0.63 €
Seychelles / Mobile 0.54 €
Sierra Leone - Fixed 0.48258 €
Sierra Leone - Mobile 0.48258 €
SIerra Leone - Special Services 0.48258 €
Singapore - Fixed 0.02 €
Singapore - Fixed Starhub 0.02 €
Singapore - Mobile MobileOne 0.06 €
Singapore - Mobile Others 0.06 €
Singapore - Mobile Singtel 0.06 €
Singapore - Mobile Starhub 0.06 €
Syria - Fixed 0.10278 €
Syria - Mobile 0.1746 €
Syria - Mobile MTN 0.1746 €
Syria / Mobile 0.1602 €
Somalia - Fixed Others 0.50742 €
Somalia - Fixed Telcom 0.63 €
Somalia - GOLIS 0.39132 €
Somalia - Hormuud 0.39132 €
Somalia - Mobility Services 0.684 €
Somalia - Mobile 0.585 €
Somalia - Mobile Somafone 0.567 €
Somalia - Special Services 1.5 €
Somalia - TELESO 0.39132 €
Somalia / Overlay 0.513 €
Sri Lanka - Fixed 0.1323 €
Sri Lanka - Fixed MTN 0.12564 €
Sri Lanka - Fixed SLT 0.12762 €
Sri Lanka - Mobile Bharti 0.1251 €
Sri Lanka - Mobile Celtel 0.13122 €
Sri Lanka - Mobile Dialog Telekom 0.1242 €
Sri Lanka - Mobile Mobitel 0.1233 €
Sri Lanka - Mobile Others 0.1206 €
Sri Lanka / Lanka Bell 0.1377 €
Sri Lanka / Mobile 0.13986 €
Sri Lanka / SLT 0.1368 €
Sri Lanka / Suntel 0.1368 €
Sri Lanka / WLL SLT 0.1368 €
South Africa - Fixed 0.02376 €
South Africa - Fixed MTN Business VoIP 0.072 €
South Africa - Fixed OLO 0.0666 €
South Africa - Mobile Cell-C 0.06 €
South Africa - Mobile MTN 0.06 €
South Africa - Mobile Others 0.063 €
South Africa - Mobile TELKOM 0.063 €
South Africa - Mobile Vodacom 0.06 €
South Africa - Special Services 0.81 €
South Africa / Cape Town 0.02484 €
South Africa / Johannesburg 0.02484 €
South Africa / Mobile Vodacom 0.07092 €
Sudan - Fixed Kanar 0.1764 €
Sudan - Fixed Sudatel 0.1701 €
Sudan - Mobile MTN 0.19602 €
Sudan - Mobile Sudani 0.162 €
Sudan - Mobile Zain 0.14994 €
Sudan - Special services 0.16632 €
Sudan / Mobile 0.162 €
Sudan / Mobile Vivacel 0.2142 €
South Sudan - Fixed 0.42336 €
South Sudan - Mobile 0.30942 €
South Sudan - Mobile GEMTEL 0.32688 €
South Sudan - Mobile MTN 0.25488 €
South Sudan - Mobile VIVCEL 0.29934 €
South Sudan - Mobile ZAIN 0.29304 €
Sweden - Fixed 0.02 €
Sweden - Fixed Stockholm 0.02 €
Sweden - Mobile Comviq 0.08 €
Sweden - Mobile HI3G 0.08 €
Sweden - Mobile Others 0.08 €
Sweden - Mobile Telia 0.08 €
Sweden - Mobile Vodafone 0.08 €
Sweden / Mobile Comviq 0.08 €
Sweden / Mobile Hi3G 0.08 €
Sweden / Mobile Other 0.08 €
Sweden / Mobile Telenor 0.08 €
Sweden / Mobile Telia 0.08 €
Sweden / Paging 1.8 €
Switzerland - Fixed Off Peak 0.02 €
Switzerland - Mobile Lycatel 0.45 €
Switzerland - Mobile Orange 0.45 €
Switzerland - Mobile Others 0.45 €
Switzerland - Mobile Others 0.45 €
Switzerland - Mobile Others 0.45 €
Switzerland - Mobile Sunrise 0.45 €
Switzerland - Mobile Swisscom 0.45 €
Switzerland / Freephone 0.45 €
Switzerland / Mobile Other 0.45 €
Switzerland / Mobile Sunrise 0.45 €
Switzerland / Mobile Swisscom 0.45 €
Switzerland / Premium 1.782 €
Suriname 0.13788 €
Suriname - Mobile Digicel 0.3033 €
Suriname - Mobile Others 0.21258 €
Swaziland - Fixed 0.08046 €
Swaziland - Mobile 0.21744 €
Swaziland - Mobile MTN 0.20988 €
Swaziland / Mobile 0.18504 €
Tajikistan - Fixed 0.1539 €
Tajikistan - Mobile 0.1611 €
Tajikistan - Mobile Babilon 0.1737 €
Tajikistan - Mobile Indigo 0.1827 €
Tajikistan - Mobile M-teko 0.14994 €
Tajikistan - Mobile Tacom 0.14328 €
Tajikistan - Mobile Telecom Ink 0.1404 €
Tajikistan - Mobile TK Mobile 0.15588 €
Tajikistan - Mobile Tojiktelecom 0.15822 €
Tajikistan - Mobile TT-Mobile 0.15174 €
Tajikistan - Special services 0.9 €
Tajikistan / Dushanbe 0.1782 €
Thailand - Fixed 0.02 €
Thailand - Mobile 0.06 €
Thailand - Mobile AIS 0.06 €
Thailand - Mobile DTAC 0.06 €
Thailand / Bangkok 0.02 €
Thailand / Mobile 0.06 €
Taiwan - Fixed 0.02 €
Taiwan - Mobility services 0.1134 €
Taiwan - Mobile Chungwa 0.1008 €
Taiwan - Mobile Chungwa 0.1134 €
Taiwan - Mobile FarEastTone 0.1134 €
Taiwan - Mobile Others 0.1134 €
Taiwan - Mobile Taiwan Mobile 0.1134 €
Taiwan - Mobile Vibo 0.1134 €
Taiwan / Mobile 0.0963 €
Tanzania - Fixed 0.33984 €
Tanzania - Mobile Celtza 0.33336 €
Tanzania - Mobile Mobtel 0.33336 €
Tanzania - Mobile Others 0.33984 €
Tanzania - Mobile Vodacom 0.33336 €
Tanzania - Mobile Zantel 0.33336 €
Tanzania / Mobile Other 0.36 €
East Timor - Fixed 1.008 €
East Timor - Mobile 1.008 €
East Timor - Mobile TELKOMCEL 0.5274 €
Togo - Fixed 0.3672 €
Togo - Interactive TV 1.71 €
Togo - Mobile 0.3672 €
Togo - Mobile ATL 0.4131 €
Togo - Mobile ATL 0.4536 €
Togo / Mobile Togocel 0.315 €
Tokelau 1.59138 €
Tonga - Fixed 0.41742 €
Tonga - Mobile 0.52794 €
Trinidad and Tobago - Fixed 0.06408 €
Trinidad and Tobago - Mobile Digicel 0.19026 €
Trinidad and Tobago - Mobile Others 0.20484 €
Trinidad and Tobago / Mobile 0.207 €
Tunisia - Fixed 0.4923 €
Tunisia - Fixed ORANGE 0.4923 €
Tunisia - Mobile 0.4923 €
Tunisia - Mobile ORANGE 0.4923 €
Tunisia - Mobile Orascom 0.44784 €
Tunisia - Mobile Orascom 0.4923 €
Tunisia - Special Services 6.84 €
Tunisia / Mobile Other 0.495 €
Turkmenistan - Fixed 0.10782 €
Turkmenistan - Mobile 0.12564 €
Turkmenistan / Mobile 0.10782 €
Turkey - 444 Services 0.0486 €
Turkey - Fixed 0.0396 €
Turkey - Fixed Adana 0.036 €
Turkey - Fixed Ankara 0.036 €
Turkey - Fixed Antalya 0.036 €
Turkey - Fixed Istanbul 0.036 €
Turkey - Fixed Izmir 0.036 €
Turkey - Mobility services 0.9 €
Turkey - Mobile Aycell 0.153 €
Turkey - Mobile Istela 0.1557 €
Turkey - Mobile Others 0.9 €
Turkey - Mobile Telsim 0.153 €
Turkey - Mobile Telsim Northern Cyprus 0.13752 €
Turkey - Mobile Turkcell 0.1359 €
Turkey - Mobile Turkcell Northern Cyprus 0.1719 €
Turkey - Nomadic Services 0.045 €
Turkey - Northern Cyprus 0.0594 €
Turkey / Bursa 0.03762 €
Turkey / Mobile Aria 0.15894 €
Turkey / Mobile Other 0.15894 €
Turkey / Mobile Telsim 0.15516 €
Turkey / Mobile Telsim 0.13752 €
Turkey / Mobile Turkcell 0.17406 €
Tuvalu 1.0458 €
Tuvalu / Audiotext 18 €
Ukraine - Fixed 0.1152 €
Ukraine - Fixed Dniepropetrovsk 0.1179 €
Ukraine - Fixed Kharkiv 0.1179 €
Ukraine - Fixed Kiev 0.1152 €
Ukraine - Fixed Lviv 0.1179 €
Ukraine - Fixed Odessa 0.1179 €
Ukraine - Mobile Astelit 0.25182 €
Ukraine - Mobile INTTEL 0.1935 €
Ukraine - Mobile Kyivstar 0.1386 €
Ukraine - Mobile Others 0.189 €
Ukraine - Mobile Others 0.21564 €
Ukraine - Mobile UMC 0.2151 €
Ukraine - Special Services 0.9 €
Ukraine / Mobile GTU 0.13842 €
Uganda - Fixed 0.3177 €
Uganda - Fixed MTN 0.3177 €
Uganda - Fixed Smile 0.3177 €
Uganda - Fixed Warid 0.3177 €
Uganda - Mobile 0.36144 €
Uganda - Mobile Celtel 0.32022 €
Uganda - Mobile Gemtel 0.35298 €
Uganda - Mobile MTN 0.3177 €
Uganda - Mobile Orange 0.31572 €
Uganda - Mobile Smile 0.3177 €
Uganda - Mobile Ugatel 0.31698 €
Uganda - Mobile Warid 0.3177 €
Uganda - Special services 0.3177 €
Uganda / Kampala 0.3546 €
Uruguay - Fixed 0.0576 €
Uruguay - Mobile 0.171 €
Uruguay / Montevideo 0.03996 €
Uruguay / Mobile 0.171 €
Uruguay / Mobile Claro 0.0909 €
Uruguay / Mobile Movistar 0.14868 €
Uzbekistan - Fixed 0.06444 €
Uzbekistan - Fixed Tashkent 0.02034 €
Uzbekistan - Mobile 0.06444 €
Vanuatu - Fixed 0.53784 €
Vanuatu - Mobile 0.53784 €
Venezuela - Fixed 0.02 €
Venezuela - Fixed Caracas 0.02 €
Venezuela - Mobility services 0.666 €
Venezuela - Mobile 0.06 €
Venezuela - Mobile Digitel 0.06 €
Venezuela - Mobile Movilnet 0.06 €
Venezuela - Mobile Movistar 0.06 €
Venezuela / Maracaibo 0.02 €
Venezuela / Valencia 0.02 €
Vietnam - Fixed 0.08172 €
Vietnam - Fixed Hanoi 0.08172 €
Vietnam - Fixed Ho Chi Minh 0.08172 €
Vietnam - Mobile Others 0.08172 €
Vietnam - Mobile Vietel 0.06 €
Vietnam - Mobile Vietel 0.08172 €
Vietnam / Mobile 0.06 €
Wallis and Futuna Islands - Fixed 0.72486 €
Wallis and Futuna Islands - Mobile 0.83772 €
Yemen - Fixed 0.15822 €
Yemen - Mobile 0.1602 €
Yemen - Mobile MTN 0.1602 €
Yemen - Mobile Sabafon 0.1602 €
Yemen - Mobile Yementel 0.1602 €
Yemen / Mobile 0.16362 €
Zambia - Fixed 0.0729 €
Zambia - Mobile Celtel 0.1359 €
Zambia - Mobile MTN 0.12942 €
Zambia - Mobile Zamtel 0.14724 €
Zambia / Mobile 0.14724 €
Zimbabwe - Fixed 0.216 €
Zimbabwe - Mobile Econet 0.495 €
Zimbabwe - Mobile Econet 0.5022 €
Zimbabwe - Mobile Netone 0.33984 €
Zimbabwe - Mobile Others 0.4581 €
Zimbabwe / Mobile Econet 0.495 €
Zimbabwe / Mobile Netone 0.468 €
Zimbabwe / Mobile Tel One 0.4581 €
  • * IVA INCLUDED (21%)
  • ** Invoicing per minute WITHOUT STARTUP FEE (except if the contrary is stated).
  • Rates are valid except typos or other errors. Rates may be changed and can be looked up in this web page.

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